Welcome to the online home of Blake Rohde

Thank you for visiting! This website allows me to share my thoughts, knowledge, and creations with family, friends, colleagues, and any other interested individuals. To learn more about me in specific, you can check out my about page. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to get in touch, please submit your inquiry via the contact form.

- Blake

Recent Blog Posts

Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 on Fedora 17

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This is just a quick post on how to get the Microsoft Bluetooth Notebook Mouse 5000 to work on Fedora 16/17. I found a blog post describing a similar method for Ubuntu 8.10, however I wanted to enshrine the slightly different and more involved process for Fedora users like myself.


An All New BlakeRohde.com!

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I am happy to present an all new, fully redesigned BlakeRohde.com! This marks the first time I have spent a significant number of hours designing and overall developing this personal site and I am very proud of the results. This post aims to highlight a few of the new features and, hopefully unbeknownst to you, new technologies I am using in this latest revision.


Gamepads, Joysticks on Fedora 17

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I realize that you most likely ended up here via a Google search or similar due to programs and games not recognizing your gamepad or joystick. So, I will spare you the details of my painful, countless hour adventure as to figuring out why my PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers weren't being recognized by my favorite games.


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  1. SD Pigeon

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