
jQuery Recommend Plugin

The jQuery Recommend Plugin provides the front-end code needed to add recommend (or 'like', 'upvote', etc.) functionality to your website or blog. I developed this plugin for the blog and project sections of this website, however the code itself is very modular and can be used to add the same functionality to any website.

Check out the source code on GitHub.


Sidewalk allows you to trigger the execution of Python methods from the command-line. This comes in handy when you want to setup cron jobs to execute Python code. You can easily create multiple cron job entries that run at various times and call different methods/activity processors.

All of the code for this project is open source:

SD Pigeon

SD Pigeon allows the device's users to wirelessly view, download, and remove the files created by Secure Digital (SD) Memory Card-based devices.

Learn more...

IEEE @ KU Website

IEEE @ KU group logo

As the elected Web Chair for the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters, I put togeather a group logo and developed an all new website for the University of Kansas IEEE Student Chapter. Similar to the current iteration of this website, I developed the new IEEE @ KU website using: Django Web FrameworkLESSGLYPHICONS Icon Library, and Sidewalk. Using Sidewalk, the site features deep social integration by automatically aggregating content from the the group's YouTube channel and Flickr group. Other functionality includes join and contact forms that allow for easier communication with the currently elected student officers.

The site is proudly hosted free of charge by Heroku.